Los Nogales is a buttress dam on the Jesus Maria river designed for underground river flow storage and utilization.
Los Nogales is a buttress dam on the Jesus Maria river designed for underground river flow storage and utilization.
Total Injections
Volume handled
Los Nogales buttress dam, Jesus Maria.
Dirección Provincial de Hidráulica del Ministerio de Obras Públicas de la Provincia de Córdoba
Building a buttress screen (buttress dam) on the Jesus Maria river, for lifting and exploiting underground water flow for the irrigation of 10,000 hectares in the area of Colonia Caroya.
The waters of the Jesus Maria river, near the confluence of the Ascochinga and Santa Catalina rivers, seep through the groundwater table, forming an underground river
The Provincial Water Directorate of the Ministry of Public Works of the Province of Córdoba, designed this project which aimed to build a non-permeable screen near Los Nogales, near the City of Jesus María to prevent groundwater run-off and allow for this to be captured and stored in a reservoir.
The screen was built by consolidating and waterproofing the flood barriers, including cement materials and waterproofing elements inserted using medium and high pressure injection techniques.